Disney Plus Four Months from Release

Disney Plus is a few months from release and though there are a lot of details there is still a lot of information that hasn’t been made available yet. The app will feature a slew of Disney content including legacy content as described by CEO Bob Iger. The service will be $7.00, which is two …

Get a Horse!

Get a Horse! was the first short featuring Mickey Mouse in over a decade. The early 00’s and late nineties featured Mickey in much more a spokesperson role with the exception of House of Mouse and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The short debuted in front of Frozen and in six minutes evokes classic Mickey Mouse shorts …

Spiderman: Far from Home

The purchase of Marvel for Disney was a large moneymaker and the fifth film to feature Spiderman is no exception. The movies follows the Marvel universe eight months after the end of Endgame. A new status quo is setup within the movie showing what life is like after the snap, or as the studio has …

Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson released in 1960 was a large film release from the studio. Walt Disney hand-picked this film that was among many to expand the live-action studio. Up to this point most the live-action films from Disney focused on an average American family with some type of supernatural affecting them (Shaggy Dog, Absent-Minded Professor). This film …

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